Monday, January 25, 2010

2010 SAAS National Conference/NIATx Summit

Registration is now open for the 2010 SAAS National Conference and NIATx Summit. Focused on leadership, process improvement and technology, this year's conference will be held in Cincinnati, OH from July 11th - 14th.

Visit for complete information.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's New with NIATx-SI?

The NIATx-SI team (Jeanne Pulvermacher and Stephanie Richards)
has organized several activities for the first cohort of states: New York, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Kentucky, Iowa, and Colorado.

Activities include:

January 11 and 12: NIATx Coach Academy, Washington, D.C. Representatives from the NIATx-SI states and others will receive training and become apprentice NIATx coaches.

January 26 and 27: Change Team members from the NIATx-SI states will convene in Orlando to work on spread and sustainability strategies.

Monthly, through July 2010: states will meet via phone conference and webinar to discuss topics including: building provider trust, institutionalizing NIATx, conducting state-level walkthroughs, integrating substance abuse and mental health treatment, pay for performance, and the NIATx Provider Tool Kit and sustainability tool.

In addition, the NIATx-SI team will schedule Interest Circle calls facilitated by NIATx staff/coaches as needed on the topics of data and feedback, recovery oriented systems of care, and spreading process improvement capacity.

NIATx-SI is also scheduling Change Leader Academies in five of the six states, to take place throughout spring 2010.

NIATx-SI presents a great opportunity to draw from the key learnings these states have gained from various NIATx programs, including NIATx 200, Advancing Recovery, and STAR-SI. The project will build the states’ internal capacity to spread and sustain process improvement and work toward the goals outlined in their project charters.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What's New with NIATx200

The NIATx 200 grant is in the beginning of its fourth year. The 18-month intervention period concluded for the first cohort (Michigan, New York and Washington agencies) in March of 2009 and for the second cohort (Massachusetts and Oregon agencies) in July of 2009. The states have all been engaged in a subsequent nine-month sustainability period to retain and provide ongoing support to the participating agencies in their NIATx efforts.

All of the participating states have recently submitted data sets that are complete through the intervention period. The next step is to clean and prepare the data sets for analysis of the primary outcomes (waiting time, admissions, show rate and continuation). The initial focus for analysis will be on waiting time with a goal to have results ready to present to the funder, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), by the spring of 2010. Concurrently, analysis of other primary and secondary outcomes will be under way.

An effort to prepare abstracts and present preliminary findings to the field continues. To date, five posters and one oral presentation have been presented at the College on Problem Drug Dependence Conference, which is NIDA’s preferred conference. In addition, two posters have been presented to the Academy of Health Services Research Conference. The ultimate goal is to publish findings in scientific journals as well as in trade publications.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

NIATx/SAAS Seek Nominations for iAwards

What are the iAwards?
The iAwards aim to provide national recognition of agencies that are using innovative approaches and provides a venue for them to share how they have adapted to meet the changing needs of clients, staff and the addiction healthcare field.

Who should apply?
Provider organizations, coalitions, or state, county or local government payors/agencies engaged in substance abuse services.

What type of innovations will be considered?
An innovative practice in either management or process improvement within the previous three years.

What do the award recipients receive?
All expenses for travel and registration will be covered for one representative for each award to the SAAS/NIATx Conference July 11-14, 2010 in Cincinnati, OH

How do I apply?
Click here for the iAward application form and submittal instructions. (PDF)

Victor Capoccia Interview on NIATx Accelerating Reform Initiative

NIATx Senior Scientist Victor Capoccia shares information on the
Accelerating Reform Initiative on Behavioral Health Central:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Training on Parity, Equity, and Health Care Reform

The Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association (IADDA) is hosting a
one-day training on February 15, 2010, focused on parity, equity, and health care reform. For more information,
or to register, visit:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation publishes case study on NIATx

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a major funder of NIATx research related
to addiction treatment, recently published a case study focused on the original
cohort of NIATx grantees.